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How to find cheap flights from Dallas

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Where can I fly from Dallas?

Over the last 2 years, we've sent Going members from Dallas to 272 destinations. These are the cheapest flights we've found to each of those destinations.

Flights from Dallas overview

Going searches for the best fares and sends members deals bookable 1-12 months in advance. Going members near Dallas save approximately 35% compared to normal flight prices.

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Best month to fly

Going found the most deals with travel dates in April.


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Frequently asked questions about flying from Dallas

How many airports are there in Dallas?

The Dallas-Fort Worth area is served by two main airports, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) and Love Field (DAL). DFW is the main international airport; it’s a hub for American Airlines and offers direct flights to dozens of places around the globe as well as more than 150 destinations in the US. In fact, you can reach just about any corner of the continental US in about four hours or less from DFW. While it’s fairly monopolized by American Airlines, it ‘s also served by international carriers like British Airways, Lufthansa, Avianca, and Korean Air.

Love Field is much smaller and serves a variety of domestic destinations. It’s a hub for Southwest and is served by Alaska Airlines and Delta Air Lines, so you can also connect to international destinations, though those flights will have a stop in another US city.

What’s the best airport for international deals from Dallas?

The best international deals are found from DFW. It’s the only airport of the two Dallas-area airports that offers direct flights to international destinations, and while American Airlines dominates its services, there are still deals to be found.

What are some alternate airports for international deals from Dallas?

Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) and Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) are a 3-4 hour drive from Dallas and both see frequent international deals. It may be worth widening your search to include these airports, especially if your destination is served by an airline that doesn’t operate out of Dallas.

For flights to Hawaii and Asia, you may also want to look at buying cheap flights to a West Coast hub like San Francisco or Los Angeles and connecting from there. For flights to Africa, a flight to NYC and a separate flight from NYC to your destination might be cheaper than booking all on one ticket from Dallas to the African continent.

How do I find cheap flights from Dallas to Europe?

Compared to some other US airports, DFW is not a major hub for flights to Europe, but it does offer direct flights to the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, England, Iceland, Spain, France, and Italy. To get to smaller destinations or locations in central, southern, and eastern Europe, you’ll need to connect in one or more European or American hubs. It may be cheaper to buy two separate roundtrip tickets (e.g. DFW to London, London to Athens) vs booking your whole itinerary on one ticket. Direct flights from Dallas to Europe take about 8 hours on the short end (Dublin, Iceland) up to 10 hours on the long end (Rome).

From Dallas-Fort Worth airport there are direct flights to Amsterdam (American), Dublin (American), Frankfurt (American, Lufthansa), Reykjavik (American), London (American, British Airways), Madrid (American), Munich (American), Paris (American, Air France), and Rome (American).

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to Europe range from $1,000-$1,300 in high season and $750-$1,000 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to Europe is anything under $650 in high season and $500 in low season.

How do I find cheap flights from Dallas to Asia?

DFW offers direct flights to cities in China, Korea, and Japan. For other destinations, you’ll need to connect in one of these cities or another US hub, or look for flights to a West Coast hub like SFO or LAX and then find cheap flights to your final destination from there. Direct flights from Dallas to Asia take 13 hours (Tokyo) to 16 hours (Hong Kong).

From Dallas-Fort Worth airport there are direct flights to Beijing (American), Hong Kong (American), Seoul (American, Korean Air), Shanghai (American), and Tokyo (American, ANA).

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to Asia range from $1,400-$1,800 in high season and $900-$1,300 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to Asia is under $850 in high season and under $700 in low season.

How do I find cheap flights from Dallas to Australia, New Zealand, or the South Pacific?

Dallas offers one direct flight to Australia, which takes about 17 hours, so if you’re going anywhere else in the region, you’ll need to connect in another US hub like LA or San Francisco, or fly to Sydney and connect onwards from there.

From DFW, there are direct flights to Sydney on Qantas.

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to Australia, New Zealand or the South Pacific range from $1,500-$2,000 in high season and $1,200-$1,600 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to Oceania is $800-$900 in high season and $600-$700 in low season.

How do I find cheap flights from Dallas to Africa or the Middle East?

There are no direct flights to Africa, and limited flights to the Middle East, from Dallas. Direct flights to Qatar or the UAE in the Middle East take about 14.5 hours; to get elsewhere you’ll need to connect in one of these cities or in another European or American hub. For flights to Africa, it may be cheaper to book a flight from Dallas to NYC and then find a deal from there to the continent, or look at connecting in Europe.

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to Africa range from $1,200-$1,800 in high season and $1,000-$1,500 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to Africa is $600-$800.

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to the Middle East range from $1,000-$1,500 in high season and $900-$1,300 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to the Middle East is $700–$900 in high season and $550-$650 in low season.

How do I find cheap flights from Dallas to Mexico or Central or South America?

DFW is a major hub for flights to Mexico and Latin America, with direct flights to Mexico, Belize, Colombia, Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, Honduras, El Salvador, Chile, Brazil, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. Direct flights range from about 2 hours to destinations in Mexico to 7-10 hours for destinations in South America.

From DFW there are direct flights to Aguascalientes (America), Belize City (American), Bogotá (American), Buenos Aires (American), Cancún (American, Spirit, Sun Country), Chihuahua (American), Cozumel (American, Sun Country), Durango (American, Volaris), Guadalajara (American, Volaris), Guanajuato (American), Guatemala City (American), Liberia (American), Lima (American), Managua (American), Mazatlán (American), Mexico City (Aeromexico, American, Interjet), Monterrey (American), Morelia (American), Oaxaca (American), Puerto Vallarta (American), Querétaro (American), Roatán (American), San José (American), San José del Cabo (American, Spirit), San Luis Potosi (American), San Pedro Sula (American), San Salvador (American, Avianca), Santigao (American), São Paulo (American), Tegucigalpa (American), Torreón (American), Zacatecas (American), and Zihuatanejo (American).

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to Latin America range from $500-$1,100 in high season and $400-$900 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to Latin America is $350-$700 in high season and $250-$550 in low season. Of course, the lowest prices are found on flights to Central America and Mexico, while flights to South America will be more expensive.

How do I find cheap flights from Dallas to the Caribbean?

DFW serves a variety of destinations in the Caribbean: the Cayman Islands, Aruba, Jamaica, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts and Nevis, and the Turks and Caicos. For other destinations, you’ll likely connect in Houston, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or Atlanta.

From DFW there are direct flights to George Town (American), Montego Bay (American, Sun Country), Nassau (American), Oranjestad (American), Providenciales (American), Punta Cana (American, Sun Country), St. Kitts (American, Sun Country), San Juan (American), and Santo Domingo (American).

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to the Caribbean range from $700-$900 in high season and $550-$800 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to the Caribbean is $300-$500 in high season and $200-$350 in low season.

How do I find cheap flights from Dallas to Canada?

Dallas is well connected to several major cities across Canada, with direct flights taking 3-4 hours. To reach smaller destinations, you’ll likely connect through another Canadian hub.

From Dallas-Fort Worth airport, there are direct flights to Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver operated by Air Canada and American, and direct flights to Calgary operated by American.

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to Canada range from $500-$650 in high season and $400-$550 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to Canada is $300-$400 in high season and $200-$350 in low season.

How do I find cheap flights from Dallas to Hawaii or Alaska?

Direct flights from Dallas serve three of Hawaii’s islands, though you may be able to find cheaper flights that connect in a city like LA, San Francisco, Seattle, or Portland. Similarly, there is a direct flight to Anchorage, but connecting in Seattle may provide more options for deals.

From DFW there are direct flights to Oahu, Maui, and the Big Island on American.

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to Hawaii range from $950-$1,250 in high season and $700-$950 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to Hawaii is $500-$650 in high season and $400-$550 in low season

From DFW there are direct flights to Anchorage on American.

Regular prices for a roundtrip flight from Dallas to Alaska range from $1,000-$1,200 in high season and $700-$900 in low season. A good price on a flight from Dallas to Alaska is $550-$650 in high season and $350-$450 in low season.

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* Prices are per person and include all taxes & fees in USD. All prices were accurate at the time of publishing, however, prices are not guaranteed, as airline pricing can change by the minute. Average Going fares are based on average prices of deals found by Going.


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